Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do I really need braces??

ok so. i had a really deep over bite which I had to get fixed with an appliance at my othodondist. It's good now and I don't have buck teeth. I love it :D He said I could get braces if I really wanted to because my back teeth don't touch all the way. They are very close. I'm not so picky about the starightness of my teeth. No ones perfect! :P Do I really need the braces? The only reason I would be getting them would be so my back teeth touch each other again.. I really don't want braces!! lol!!

Do I really need braces??
I had braces for 7 years and FINNALLY got them off my senior year of high school.

Originally I had bunny teeth and an overbite, as well as some jaw problems such as TMJ and DMJ, which could eventually lead to flat "dead" teeth (from grinding in my sleep) to lock jaw, and caused TERRIBLE migrains, which got to enjoy quite frequently.

I didn't like the anything about braces. I couldn't eat certain foods, had horrible pain in my mouth and headahes for a week and couldn't eat anything for a week after they tightened them, and felt they ruined my looks.

I did everything I was supposed to do, and I wore the retainer for a year (I'm no fool, I'm not going to waste $2500, and 7 years for nothing). My migranes are gone, and I don't have an overbite anymore, but even with all of that, just four years later, my teeth have shifted and I am starting to get a gap in the front of my teeth, that my retainer can't fix. Another close friend of mine wore braces for two years and skipped the whole retianer bit and now his teeth are worse than before!

I would STRONGLY recommend that if this is for cosmetic reasons, to skip it. If is for something more, like grinding or headaches, then do what you must, because heath comes first, and I know TOO many gorgeous girls who have crooked teeth, and know from them that as long as you have them, it doesn't matter very much how they're sitting in there; plus it adds character!

I would just want you to know there's a lot more to it than just metal on your teeth...

Sorry for being Johnny Rain Cloud, but I hoped I helped :)
Reply:As long as it is only cosmetic, you don't need braces. If you will have chewing of jaw problems in the future, you should get braces.
Reply:Yes you do, what happens when your back teeth don't touch is that they will move up. Your teeth don't stop growing or over erupting. When someone has a missing back tooth, the opposing tooth will over erupt. Having your front teeth straight is one thing, but you will need the back teeth more. Don't worry, it's simple job, and won't take o long. Good luck
Reply:No, you don't need braces.

Anyone who says you do just wants to prop up their profession.
Reply:My friend Megan is the same way. She has a tiny overbite. And the rest of her teeth are perfect. Her dentist said she could get braces if she wanted it fixed. But it doesnt matter because it wouldnt be doing good because her teeth are already as straight as it gets. Really, dont get them.


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