Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What should my best friend do?

What should my best friend do?

I never had to deal with this problem, cuz thankfully I have naturally poofy supermodel lips.

My best female friend has what could be a pretty face. but no top lip. When she is talking, smiling, or has her mouth closed, her teeth stick out like a donkey. But she is not buck toothed. She literally has no top lip AT ALL. She is afraid that people will think that she is a country bumpkin because of her turtle mouth and stick out teeth.

But we are trying to figure out how big her collagen lip should be. I told her that she is cool and smart. And not to focus on the ugly things. But people say Yuck! when they see her.

Finally, when she was crying/ asking for advice I said that she should try to get a Barbie doll top lip like Kerry Washington or Kylie Minogue.How much lip should she get? How much will it cost?

Please keep in mind, my friend has a perfect, poofy bottom lip. But no top lip. WHat should she do? How much will it cost?

Please help!!!

What should my best friend do?
she should ask her dentist for advise, and he can refer her to a plastic surgeon which might be medically covered believe it or not- if it is considered like a deformity- i'm not being mean, i'm trying to help. i had to have plastic surgery for another reason, and it was paid for by my insurance. -it did wonders for my self-image. If a dentist won't refer her, she should call a medical referral hotline for a plastic surgeon that is board certified, and they can explain that to her. She needs to know everything about it including risks involved before having it done. you are a good friend to try to help her. best wishes to both of you.
Reply:if she gets collagen den get very little because my lips piss me off because there ******* huge n i want 2 knock people out sometimes
Reply:OK...I'm not sure if this question is true because you are so consided...but....a dermatologist will be able to determine how much lip she will be able to acquire through collagen or restalin...but if its really nonexistent..she might need to get an implant which is permanent...collagen only last for a few months and cost anywhere from $300 to 1000 dollars depending on how many injections she might need
Reply:She needs to go see a plastic surgeon and get help. Fast.

I know you are concerned but the way you wrote this question sounds a bit comical. But I know what you mean when you say "country bumpkin". I have noticed in movies, they never pick the lipless gals to play the pretty roles, its always the pouty lipped starlets with doe eyes. (or at least it used to be that way, yikes, nowadays in American movies they have beady eyed/ thin lipped gals running rampant. At least English people still have beauty standards, C.W. )

You sound pretty. You should probably model.

But as for your friend. I dunno, cuz no top lip usually = undershot, weak chin.

And what on earth is "consided", is that a new American word for conceited?

Word to the wise, C.W. don't listen to those above posters who cannot spell or seem to be behind the times, and quite jealous.


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