Sunday, August 2, 2009

Who are the two AFL wannabe cheerleaders who have...............?

such buck teeth that they could eat an apple through a picket fence?

Who are the two AFL wannabe cheerleaders who have...............?
They go by the name of Flopsy %26amp; Mopsy.

I hope that helps. Otherwise give Beatrix a call, she may know how to contact them.
Reply:gutsache %26amp; Archie, those girls love the attention...shame about the thunder thighs
Reply:ME ME ME!!!!!

Glad you noticed my bucky teeth!!! lol
Reply:All of these clones

I am a Cheer leader for the Kangaroos AFL FC. Can someone tell me where I can get some false buck teeth to wear. I don't want to be conspicuous by not having protruding teeth like the other girls.

I can only find trick plastic ones that stick out a couple of centimetres. I want ones like the other girls whose teeth stick out far more.

Reply:Thayre names are Mary-Lou %26amp; Elly-May. Thay lives with thayre 23 brothers %26amp; sisters in thayre one bedroom shack, in them-thayre hills back of Bendigo - with thayre Ma %26amp; Pa.

Thayre allowed to leave them-thayre hills back of Bendigo once a week to be cheer leeders for the AFL. During the week thayre gotta help Pa with his still %26amp; makin'g moonshine.


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