Friday, July 31, 2009

How would you feel about this deletion by the Y censors.?

I answered the following posting:

Question Details: Some people believe gay people are born that way. Let's say in the near future a "gay gene" is discovered, and a test is developed that can determine whether a fetus will be born gay. Would you support a mother's decison to abort that child because it would be gay?

with the following answer:

Deleted Answer: Why stop about just aborting girls, as is practiced in large parts of the world, or those with buck teeth or the wrong colored hair. Your on a roll, can we test for political tendencies and just abort Republicans or clinically retarded religious freaks. I think you would be better served by finishing your deliveries before the pizza gets cold.

Was Y justified in censoring or are they just simple minded?

How would you feel about this deletion by the Y censors.?
simple minded
Reply:"clinically retarded religious freaks"

I believe this slam against religeous people were the main reason for the deletion. It was justified because its in clear violation of the guidelines. Otherwise i like what you wrote.

To be frank i hate the Yahoo cencurship. Post 1 pedofile joke in the joke section and your whole account gets banned go figure. This is a site for political correctness ..there is no room for anything else

my cat

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