Saturday, July 25, 2009

I have also seen a troll..a real, live, troll?

For the person who said she saw a real troll. I am an emergency room nurse and one day a 'person' was brought to the ER because he had walked 30 miles without shoes. He was sunburned, but he had all the characteristics you mentioned. I have never told anybody I knew about him for fear no one would believe me. He seemed to be mentally slow, and drank soda like there was no tomorrow. His feet had pads that were at least an inch thick, his fingernails were very long, curved and filthy. He was filthy all over. He onl had on a pair of cut offs. His nose was very long without a chin, he had moles on his face, his teeth were buck teeth, and he could not speak, except to use gutteral grunts and pointing. There was no hair on him. We did find an ankle bracelet saying where he was from. We called their ER and they laughed and said he was our problem. We shipped him there and I never saw him again. Does this sound like Your troll?

I have also seen a troll..a real, live, troll?
i have seen a troll

harry and ron saved me in my first year at hogwarts from one

------------ Hermione
Reply:WOW yeah that sounds trollish...where in the world did he come from?
Reply:are you sure you didnt see the troll in the mirror?
Reply:he sure sounds like a troll to me, but then again ive never seen one
Reply:ahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahaha... i just crapped my pants... R U SERIOUS??? hahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahah...

oh.... you are? Oh, sorry. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA
Reply:Yes, it's definitely my troll. I've been looking for him ever since we rented him out to use in the latest Harry Potter movie. Can you please tell me where you shipped him?

scooter parts

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